Erfan Rasouli

Erfan received his Ph.D. from Oregon State University in Mechanical Engineering- Thermal and Fluid Mechanics. He continued his research on microscale flow and heat transfer enhancement for energy efficient applications while holding a Postdoctoral Scholar position at UC Davis. Erfan led the construction of the Solar/Supercritical CO2 Thermal Energy Enhancement Laboratory (STEEL), a facility which […]

Caton Mande

Caton focuses on developing advanced control systems and characterizing the performance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. He also has expertise in high accuracy airflow measurements using carbon-dioxide as a tracer. Caton has completed studies on a number of energy saving technologies which include: switched reluctance motors, condenser-air pre-cooling, indirect evaporative cooling, retrofit radiant […]

Curtis Harrington

Curtis Harrington has over 15 years of experience in building energy efficiency research. Curtis is an Engineering Manager at the WCEC providing strategic direction for the Center and serving as a technical resource for engineering staff. Some of his notable research at the WCEC includes conducting feasibility studies for using swimming pools as heat sinks […]

David Vernon

David has a B.S. in Materials Engineering from the University of Wisconsin Madison, M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Davis with a focus on energy systems. David is Co-Director of Engineering for the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute and for the Western Cooling Efficiency Center. David’s research focuses on […]

Theresa Pistochini

Theresa Pistochini is Co-Director of Engineering at the UC Davis Energy Efficiency Institute and Western Cooling Efficiency Center with 12 years of experience in applied research in energy efficiency and building operation, primarily in the areas of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. She led the development and construction of an HVAC testing laboratory in 2013 […]